Volcom Sale
The volcom stone logo, except the colour is black not green, was the first sign i saw when i finally arrived on second floor at ciwalk. The booth was full with yellow phamplet. The crowd was amazing. My brother who asked me to stopped by. So we walked into the both but sadly we must deposit our bag and it took a long time. Fiuh!We stayed in the line for about 5 until 10 minutes. There was only one door at deposit box for ‘keeping’ and ‘taking’. I wondered why don’t they make another door for ‘taking’ only. It will make us didn’t have to waiting for the bag that long...lol.
Well, that was only my thought. When I back on the next day, there was 2 doors at deposit box. Bravo for volcom! Suddenly I remember about continuous improvement at work. Yeah, right!Ok, back to the sale. After that, I splitted with my brother, take a a looked at clothes that hanged all over the place. The hanger added with a size so it’s so much easier for you to find a clothes on your size. Unfortunately, the colthes don’t interest me. Well, I liked one clothes but I don’t buy it because i’m not sure it fit me.
Beside clothes, there were bags, belts, sandals and wallets. It didn’t take us long for looked around. It was like 15 minutes because the stuffs don’t interest me that much. It was kinda dizzy to find good clothes between hundreds other clothes. So I gives up instantly. Althought they offered us discount over 70%, we didn’t impress because the price still expensive and the stuffs looks old. No, thank’s!So we left empty handed...lol
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